New onLocation Video: Capturing the Milky Way and Stars


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This new video is the second of onOne's new onLocation videos. Andy Adkins of Distill Productions and I created it last summer on the southern coast of Olympic National Park. I hope you enjoy it.

In this installment I share some tips for photographing the night sky from location scouting and traveling in wild places to exposure settings that will avoid blurring the stars at different focal lengths.

If you're curious about how I used Adobe Lightrooom 5 and onOne's Perfect Photo Suite 9 together to edit the RAW files I captured into the final images below, please check out this longer Perfect Inspiration Video Episode where I go into detail about how I edited them.

Olympic National Park: Nikon D810, Nikon 14-24, F2.8 for 20 seconds at 3200 ISO

Olympic National Park: Nikon D810, Nikon 14-24, F2.8 for 30 seconds at 2500 ISO

Thanks so much to onOne and Distill Productions for making these onLocation videos possible.
