It is finally here. The final piece to simplify connecting and balancing my DSLR and mirrorless cameras to my fluid head. It lightens my bag and simplifies my advanced panorama work.. I'm proud to have helped KES design their new LRP-3 adjustable nodal slider.
This past year I asked my favorite camera support company, Kirk Enterprise Solutions to create this new LRP-3 slider (links below). After a couple of back and forth discussions, Jeff Kirk and the great folks there nailed it. If, like many others, I've converted you to using a Manfrotto 500AH fluid head for still photography, you should get this new adjustable rail clamp. If you are still living with a ball head, check this video out and consider trying a fluid head it. It's much simpler, more precise and more versatile to work with than any ball head made.
Thanks to everyone for the great questions you are sending in. Keep them coming either in the comments below or by emailing me directly. Since several viewers let me know they liked last week's 4k ATS, I'm going to start rendering in ultra hi res. Hit 4k in your settings for the best experience :-)