This was Superbowl Sunday, the night after our film An American Ascent won some big awards down in San Diego. Andy, Beckey, Stacey and I ducked the crowds and met up with our friends Scott and Alexander for this epic photo session at Sunset Cliffs:
Andy just before...
...this epic sunset!
The rock ledges here were crazy. So many shapes and types. I loved how the tide moved through them. Speaking of the tide, it was coming in fast; the route back would be blocked soon. But the sky kept changing colors and moods. It was impossible to tear away from these exquisite tide-pools.
SLOW IT DOWN: Nikon D810, 14mm: f16 for 15 seconds @ 31ISO (click to enlarge)
Yikes! The tide rose more than I expected while doing these last long exposures; hopping from rock to rock I made for the higher ledge and ladder to safety. A big wave caught me, but I kept the camera gear above it. Soaked from mid-thigh down, I reached the ledge and ladder. Stacey was waiting for me. I looked back at the disappearing beach beneath the cliffs -- Wait a minute --Can you hold really still for 15 seconds...?
Twilight on the Ledge: Nikon D610, 16mm: f5.6 for 15 seconds at 640ISO (click to enlarge)